2020 Hall of Fame game planned to celebrate the Axemen’s 15th Season
The Jacksonville Axemen are going into 2020 with a positive mindset and plan to celebrate all that has been accomplished in the 15 years of the club.
Throughout the 15 years the Axemen have hosted countless international events, played in 8 national championships, won 3 national championships, and have created a winning culture in Jacksonville. Don’t forget the 8 year win streak for regular season home games!
Plans are being made to have a 15 year celebratory Hall of Fame game featuring players from the past years, as well an inducting new members into the Jacksonville Axemen Hall of Fame. This will take place prior to a regular season Axemen game and the date and details will be announced once the schedule is finalized.
“When we started the team in 2006, I’m not sure Spinner and I really thought we’d ever take it this far,” said Drew Slover, co-founder and general manager of the Jacksonville Axemen. “The fact that we have not only been playing rugby league in this city for 15 years, but we also have become so successful and brought so much rugby league exposure to the city is incredible. We can’t wait to celebrate with everyone who has made the team what it is, including our fans and the city of Jacksonville.”
The upcoming regular season schedule and date and details of the Hall of Fame game will be finalized early in the year. As part of the 15 year celebration, the Jacksonville Axemen are asking former players, friends, and fans to share any stories, photos, and/or how the Axemen have impacted them. These will be shared on the website and social media. Please send any submissions to drew@jaxaxe.com.